National Management Olyampiad(Quater-Finals) ( 5-7 min read*)

1) SELCO India is Looking at expansion of its business, What are the best options your organization would suggest to Mr. Hande ?
2) Provide Reasoning with Each Option you might suggest and a detailed execution strategy is also required to prove your case.Expansion Strategy must include three basic Goals (You may keep additional goals as well).
3) Product Line Expansion + Sales Network Expansion + Energy Service Centers Expansion.

  1. Where IT Should ensure Seamless information flow, analysis and presentation of data?
  2. Where Finance Dept should suggest finance inflow, and keep watch on outflow considering pre decided expansion budget?
  3. Where Marketing Dept. should suggest to create or choose various appropriate methods of Sales and energy Service centers expansion?
  4. Where Human Resources Dept. should suggest, right strategy to shoulder the human resource requirement of expansion?
  5. Where General management should ensure harmony between all departments and suggest right action plan & flow to accomplish the expansion?
  6. Where Leadership has to ensure that vision of the expansion is clear to to all the department and everyone in organization is working towards a common goal. Leadership may suggest a blueprint of expansion plan, clearly defined suggestion for all departments?

  1. New policies with Banks/NGO for 3-step loan process by IT, call the ECU number they will come to your home and give you instant loan just keep your documents and Aadhar Card(Photo ID) ready.
  2. 24x7 call center in there familiar/regional language.
  3. As SELCO focus to earn by providing solution to micro-business we can provide Audio tutorials for the micro entrepreneur in their cell phone devices. If in case there are no cell phones available to the micro-entrepreneur they can always join the seminars at nearest ESU's mandatory that each ESU has one Personal Computer there is no need for Internet connection as the pen drive containing the video’s can be couriered to location.(Helps in training as well as awareness between poor).
  4. Assuming that you are targeting to scale from a 150 workforce in 2 states with 29 ESU's to lets consider 29 states 2175 workforce 421 ESU's SELCO will need to train the workforce ,so for replication training process symmetrically the computer systems will play a major roles on training at every ESU centers with same kind of training processes also region specific marketing training can also be given leveraging the same.(Decrease the finance cost).
  5. Feedback survey by the technicians who visits the house for service every 3 months which will provide the data and after analytics the promotions or advertisements can be done(Eg:On sites/TV/Digital ads).(Current network of technician going to the client is already in place)
  6. General managers/Top level/ESU head will be provided with monthly stats of every ESU's performance(Sales, Client target area, efficiency of product, customer satisfaction) and predictive analysis for future, so that in the next quarter they can act for sales and production based on data analyzed .
  7. ”Refer this program” in which one microbusiness owner can tell about solar benefits to another owner and the if the other one buys ,then some compensation would be given to the business owner who referred it.(Advance word of mouth strategy).
  8. IT can hold the online competition for innovation in solar by youth , via ENGINEERING colleges in which finalist would be provided SELCO engineers as mentors which would help them make a POC(Proof of Concept) at the end of contest.(For continuous innovation).
  9. ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) systems will take care from the gathering of raw materials collected from nearest area to the ending till the final delivery of the product.
  10. IT can give data of the micro-entrepreneur people who are ready to work for the factory which will be developed in various areas(India) and in compensation the company will deduct the amount from the salary of that individual as loan for the purchase of that solar panel systems.
  11. SELCO can partner with the bachat gadh leader to help them finance the solar power as bachat gadh involved people mainly BPL so that they can reach to them quickly.

Product Line Expansion Sales Network Expansion-Data Energy Service Centers Expansion
ERP Systems. Analytics + Digital networking. Digital Traning+Seminar on ESU's+Awarness via ESU's.

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